Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Combo Long Workout

To save wear and tear on my body (because there will be plenty of that come marathon day) I chose to do a run/bike combination instead of a full 20 mile long run this weekend. There's various reasons this is a good idea: aside from reducing the chances of injury, its good cross training and achieves the same benefit as running (so long as I keep my heart rate up during the ride portion). The idea is to simulate the cardiovascular effort of the marathon without having the foot pounding. So, I did a 5 mile race-pace run followed by a 42 mile long bike ride which took about 3.5 hours. Here's me heading off on the bike after the pace run:

I ended up riding almost all of the Louisville Loop River Trail, which itself is 23 miles long and I did 21 of it out and back. Much of this I had not seen before and it was pretty cool to see a new side of Louisville, even if it was mostly levees and industrial parks.

On returning home, I knew I had completed a pretty solid workout when all I wanted to do was lay on the sofa and not move for an hour! I eventually did get up and eat some food but wow...that was a pretty intense effort.

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